Let him sleep. If you’re quiet you can slip in and get some free minnows. Don’t get the floating one he makes minnow cheese out of them. If you get one he’ll catch ya! Tait Tate keeps up with them ’cause he counts the dead minnows and marks that off his taxes as a loss. Then he makes minnow cheese out of the floaters and takes it over to Chef Jaboltoot so he can clam it wuz his recipe.
After a snooze at the think tank on Saturday afternoon, Tait Tate had a dream and awoke with and idea. He called all the great minds together for the four bait shops on the Cutoff. He rolled out the medium size red coke cooler full of ice water salt Falstaff, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Schlitz and Budweiser. After we all had a cool one our collaborations combined.
Tait Tate said his dream was this;
“I was in a boat Bream fishin’, and kept gettin’ hung up, only had 5 and kept seeing my yellow cork go under water. I woke up and went to thinking how fish is in schools and if you catch 2 or 3 in one place there’s usually more. So let’s make us a rig.
We’ll call it a Tattletale, it’d be a box of dental floss, some safety pins and a hand full of balloons. We’d have a picture on the box of an old, fat, lazy boy in overalls, bait foot with a string on his toe.”
You’d fix a rig, blow up the balloon and tie it off with about 10’ dental floss and a safety pin. Ya catch a fish, put the safety pin through his fin, throw him back in and call the kids. Let them fish around the balloon where the tattletale tells off on his buddies.
Dad naps, kids fish, mom cleans the fish, dad makes the hush-puppies, and then dad has to spend the night at the think tank ’cause mom don’t think something is right. We’ll all sell the tattletale for $5.00, pool the money and go ice fishing up at Champaign Ill, and take Cousin Simp.
The Great minds all voted. The vote was unanimous and that was that, the Tattletale was born.
Keep your line wet
Tait Tate