I said fellas, I don’t know anything about Casinos but I was open to any advice they might give me. After leaving, that put me to thinking neither does any one else here.
Went home and called the Nevada Gaming Commission asked how many licensed Casinos were in the state there were 600 and the cost was $120.00. They offered to send me a listing and I had it in a week. Went through it and picked 40 licensees to send my letter to. The high-lights of the letter were; no Casino within 500 miles and A MILLION people 30 miles away.
The state of Mississippi had approved of casinos on counties bordering the Mississippi River, but the county had the final say. If there were any objection to casinos coming to the Cutoff, which was the only navigable water way in the county other than the river, you had 30 days to voice your objection.
Well no one objected, hallelujah the race was on. King Baby group was coming next week to meet with Board of Supervisors for an order to proceed and start their due diligence and permitting.
Two weeks later I had 6 licensed Casino Operators appointments to come and meet.
Well that’s how it all started and, as my Grand Mama would say; “It started with me and my little hammer”.