In the distance you hear a Towboat on the river give one long blow on the horn as they round Mhoon’s bend, heading up stream.
Faintly you can make out the 7:15 city of NewOrleans as it gives 2 short and 2 longs passing through Dudley Spur.
Looking out over the lake, a flock of Cormorants head east to the catfish pond for breakfast.
The early strutting of the Turkey birds break the morning mist as they forage for wild Morel mushroom, a favorite of the wild Turkey Bird which was once our nation’s bird.
Mid summer passing of our favorite Baltimore Oreole with the bright tangerine and black and what is this same bird only yellow and black ?
The green Parakeets flying north from Tampa for the summer in droves of 50 amongst the Ash trees gorging on Mash!
Nothing like the awakening in the city, country life is much better.
Tait Tate