Larry said, where I’m from if you’re a real man… All real Cajun burials go back to where all life comes from; the sea or the water.
He said when it’s my time here’s what to do. Make me a little Peru boat fill it with fireworks: sky and bottle rockets, lady fingers, and Roman Candles.
Thank my ashes put them in a good cedar cigar box. Pour a half gallon of diesel into the boat, light a rag and throw the fire into the boat givin’ it a shove wit’ yo’ boot. As it drifts off, set the fireworks off. The diesel burns the boat up and it sinks to the bottom.
The Cutoff’s Burial at Sea
Thanks Larry White for liven-in’ up our future departures. It was great knowing ya ole buddy. Ya always have a home with us here.
Tait Tate