Nathan Bedford Forrest in Tunica County

I read an awful lot of history. Thirty-some years ago when I moved from Illinois to the South I knew very little about the South, especially the Civil War. However, I have since corrected that. Recently I read "Bust Hell Wide Open; The Life Of Nathan Bedford Forrest" by Samuel W. Mitchum Jr. The saddest part of reading that book was when I finished it.

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AD Applies for a Job at Tunica Manufacturing

Tunica manufacturing was a quilting plant which made furniture pads.  AD was headed there from the Lula pulp yard.  It was run by a man known as Pickerwood. He drove the lift that loaded the train cars with pulp wood.  Pickerwood lived and worked out of a green Dodge motor home parked next to an old garage. AD was his apprentice and every Saturday afternoon they'd go to the woods and cut trees to drive stakes in the ground. They'd do this by felling the trunks on the stakes and betting who could come closest to hitting their stakes.

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The Hollywood

In 1969 both of my brothers were in college while I was in high school, living at home with my dad.  He had a heart condition and sugar-poor health.  Bard came home from college for the summer.  He decided he would stay out a semester and help with dad.

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Bait Shop Tales

Most fisherman dream of owning a bait shop. You get to tell fishing stories all day long. The big ones you caught and the monster you lost. The hot spots on the lake. What colored gigs, different baits that are producing. Bait shopping is hard work 4 am - 6pm. But I had a hammock that stretched over the minnow tanks, for naps. These naps would give you think tank time, ways to attract more customers.

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The Mule Train

In the early 80’s around May through June there was a group of retired women women who fished. Fisherwomen, I guess. Not very PC I'm afraid, but after all it's Mississippi and we don't have much truck with such foolishness.

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