‘Bout 6 years ago Mr. Leffity – that’s the man that had the house boat in the past – and I tied four beavers off in the pass and baited them up with some female beaver scent. Thatta ways they’ll dig some runs in the bank for the ole Bull flat head to bunker down in. This is easier than runnin’ ’round lookin’ for some holler log on a lake 20 miles long.
Well I know where them runs is and we gonna do some grabblin come Sunday ’bout dark.
Grabblin is a fishing skill where ya feel to fish. Reachin’ up in them runs feelin’ for them big ole River run flat head cat.
Gots to be careful though, sometimes might be a Stinker, or a Loggerhead laying in them runs. Don’t put yo’ hand in they mouth, might lose a finger.
But a big ole Flat Head I’ll give him a run for his money. When I reach in and grab him by his tonsils, the fight’s on.
Last time we dun’ this it took a week to get my skin back on my elbow from his ole barb-lipped self, but he sho’ ate good.