Folks came from miles around for Big Roy to read the bumps on their heads, interpret their vivid dreams, and learn how to hold their mouths just right for catching the big fish. Big Roy, you see, was sorta the Cutoff’s Medium.
Big Roy had Sleep Apnea and was said to have quit breathing over 600 times a night, so the sleep doctor said. This gave him that special power, being so close to death every night, that he would commune with the spirits.
That’ll make ya forget your woe’s, problems, wife ales, etc.
Big Roy has been dead now for over 10 years, and he’s been casting bad luck on folks fishin’ but launchin’ from other than Bordeaux.
So to be fair, on the 1st of April a shrine to Big Roy, and his abilities to commune with the great beyond – aquatic and human – will be placed.
Come and rub Big Roy’s belly in the iron-tub shrine next to our boat ramp box (where you pay to launch your boat) and the spirit of Big Roy will come along with you and help you find the big fish. Don’t worry though, if you are on the Season Pass, Big Roy will know that too.
But leave Big Roy where he is, so he can help others too!
He will also hex the non-paying folks so they don’t catch fish, only snake heads and gars. And they will probably have to paddle back in, because they went through the North Lake Triangle. This is where boats, planes, and our fish are said to disappear. It’s also believed to be the same portal that brought Hernando de Soto here to discover the Mississippi River in 1541.
Strange fact: the Mississippi River has always been located within 10 miles, East or West, of its present day location, since the great Biblical flood. We’re pretty sure that’s the work of the Triangle too.
Now that’s a story.
Tait Tate